Generation of clips with Amazon Polly voices fails
While generation of clips with Microsoft voices works, generation of Amazon Polly voices results in an error message. The endpoint does not accept the "amazon" value as the provider, although the error message lists exactly this value as one of the allowed values.
This is the message the endpoint returns:
"Could not match the union against any of the items. Issues: [{"body.script.provider":{"message":"Could not match the union against any of the items. Issues: [{\"body.script.provider.type\":{\"message\":\"should be one of the following; ['microsoft']\",\"value\":\"amazon\"}},{\"body.script.provider.type\":{\"message\":\"should be one of the following; ['afflorithmics']\",\"value\":\"amazon\"}},{\"body.script.provider.type\":{\"message\":\"should be one of the following; ['elevenlabs']\",\"value\":\"amazon\"}}]","value":{"type":"amazon","voice_id":"de-DE-VickiNeural|Standard"}}},{"body.script.type":{"message":"should be one of the following; ['audio']","value":"text"},"body.script.audio_url":{"message":"'audio_url' is required"}}]"
This was the post body:
"presenter_id": "lily-akobXDF34M",
"driver_id": "oqNen3Q3aS",
"script": {
"type": "text",
"subtitles": false,
"input": "[skript omitted for the sake of readability]",
"provider": {
"type": "amazon",
"voice_id": "de-DE-VickiNeural|Standard"
"ssml": false
"config": {
"result_format": "mp4"
"persist": true
(With a Microsoft voice, the same request worked.)