Avoid cropping in talks
Hi, I am using D-ID API to generate talks, but I always get cropped video. The video is cropped around the head of the character, but I would like to preserve the entire image format (with the character pose, the background, ecc.). The video should have the same size of the uploaded image.
Is there a specific option or something like that?
Here is my request body:
$body = json_encode(array(
'source_url' => $img,
'script' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'subtitles' => false,
'provider' => array(
'type' => "microsoft",
'voice_id' => "it-IT-LisandroNeural",
"ssml" => "false",
'input' => $input_text,
'config' => array(
'fluent' => false,
'pad_audio' => 0.0,
'align_driver' => false,
'driver_expression' => array(
'expressions' => array(
"expression" => "serious",
"start_frame" => 0,
"intensity" => 1
"expression" => "happy",
"start_frame" => 180,
"intensity" => 1
Thank you