OK who has this thing streaming with ChatGPT for a Chat? I am 90% there and need help....
over 1 year ago by mccormackjim3
I am soooo close --- it integrates with ChatGPT and it streams back my answers but its just the Voice portion that is generated and it does not give me the animated avatar -- just shows the pic.
See on right the answer -- I asked it what was capital of New York?
It replied The capital of new your is Albany...
It gave me the audio stream but the image did not animate...
It did swap over from the idle Loop to the still and then went back to idle looping... that works...
But in never animated the still image when it streamed the voice response...
I thought the voice and video streams were coming off the video file so confused... Ideas?
I can post the code but its 300 lines and beast to look at... Anyone seen this?