What kind of original image can generate better video effect?
Hi, I want to generate some videos of anime characters, who usually have thick hair or hair accessories. But the result is that most of the hair or hair accessories in the generated video are not identified, so when the characters move, it's like they've been cut which is not good effect.
How can d-id achieve better recognition, higher contrast background? A specific hair color? A certain color of skin? This is really important to me, I hope someone can answer!
-----------😊 And is there any discord channel for d-id?----------------
The api I use:
Part of the configuration used is this:
"driver_url": "bank://subtle",
"config": {
"fluent": true,
"auto_match": true,
"sharpen": true,
"stitch": true,
"result_format": "mp4",
"driver_expressions": {
"expressions": [
"start_frame": 0,
"expression": "neutral",
"intensity": 0.3