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We want to make our random url work.

Hi, we've been struggling with this issue for several days.
I have left a question before, but no comments were replied over 10 days.

In ['Create a talk stream : Script : Stream Audio Script : audio_url(https://docs.d-id.com/reference/createtalkstream)], audio_url doesn't works with our personalized url that has a specific port number. We've also tried with the proxy, but doesn't work either.

Instead of requesting a payload directly, we implemented a system that makes our voice directly connects to the D-ID API.
So, create a stream successfully returns a valid response, as well as create a talk in port-fixed https urls such as <https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/mp3/harpsi-cs.mp3> and https://belsoli123.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/moon-moon.mp3.So, our code has no problem.

What we want to do is, make our url safe. In this case, we made a random_url that expires at certain point. For example, the url is like https://test.khameleon.app/a.mp3) , We want to make our audio_url available to request on created_talk.

Please let our random_url available to make a request.

As shown above, we have to use proxy server because we have to protect the link. We sincerely request D-ID for accepting our link in deploying D-ID's API.

We do know that D-ID's service would bring tremendous effect.
