Can you please contact me via email or phone ASAP ASAP - i am in the middle of a project and your user interface wants me to buy more credits but it's got the year wrong and now i cant finish my reseaacrh projewct and I don't understand FCKN code or how to get my API to work becuase your boss obviusly didn't realize thata his tutorial video stops playing the minute you go to do what he's asking you to do and then you realize that D-ID has opened 20 different tabs on your browser and you can't find which browwser it was thjat you were watching the tutorial in - the one wiht your boss wwho, apparently is smart enough to animate avatars but not smart enough to teach a newb like me how to generate a muther effing prompt! I have tto use "CLIENT" to open my key??? what is that? is that my SHELL? HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP
about 1 year ago by battleofthecoverbands
wtf is going on?????????? someone needs to call or text or email me ASAP.