InvalidFileSizeError: file size exceeded 10 MB - the maximum size permitted for small files
1 day ago by pwaykos1
Hi, I am facing this particular error for a fairly small size of the image, even the combined size of my image and audio or less than 2MB. Please tell me what I am doing wrong.
Here is the request that I am passing
endpoint = https://api.d-id.com/talks
"source_url": "https://aftrfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/dbe01567-0903-443b-ac11-9cbfbd17307a.jpg",
"script": {
"type": "audio",
"audio_url": "https://aftrfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/cloned_voice_678d139679ac2ff680470cba.mp3"
"config": {
"stitch": true,
"driver_expressions": {
"expressions": [
"start_frame": 0,
"expression": "happy",
"intensity": 1
Please answer this as soon as possible