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Created new agent through api call but D-ID studio shows failed to generate agent

Dear D-ID support,

I am trying to integrate AI agents into a react web application and have managed to get a working environment with reference to the example code. This has been tested and worked with the example anna image link provided in the example code.

async function createNewAgent(downloadURL) {

    //Setup new knowledge base
    let knowledgeId = await setupKnowledge();

    // Agents Overview - Step 1: Create an Agent
    // https://docs.d-id.com/reference/agents-overview#%EF%B8%8F-step-1-create-an-agent
    const createAgent = await axios.post('/agents',
            "knowledge": {
                "provider": "pinecone",
                "embedder": {
                    "provider": "azure-open-ai",
                    "model": "text-large-003"
                "id": knowledgeId
            "presenter": {
                "type": "talk",
                "voice": {
                    "type": "microsoft",
                    "voice_id": "en-US-JennyMultilingualV2Neural"
                "thumbnail": downloadURL,
                "source_url": downloadURL // Add url here for thumbnail and source_url
            "llm": {
                "type": "openai",
                "provider": "openai",
                "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",
                "instructions": "Your name is Emma, an AI designed to assist with information about Prompt Engineering and RAG. Keep your responses to one short sentence",
                "template": "rag-ungrounded"
            "preview_name": "AI teacher"

    console.log("Create Agent: ", createAgent.data)
    let agentId = createAgent.data.id
    console.log("Agent ID: " + agentId)

    // Agents Overview - Step 2: Create a new Chat session with the Agent
    // https://docs.d-id.com/reference/agents-overview#%EF%B8%8F-step-2-create-a-new-chat-session-with-the-agent
    const createChat = await axios.post(`/agents/${agentId}/chat`)
    console.log("Create Chat: ", createChat.data)
    let chatId = createChat.data.id
    console.log("Chat ID: " + chatId)

    // Agents Overview - Step 3: Send a Message to a Chat session
    // https://docs.d-id.com/reference/agents-overview#%EF%B8%8F-step-3--send-a-message-to-a-chat-session
    // The WebRTC steps are called in the functions: 'connectButton.onclick', onIceCandidate(event), 'startButton.onclick'

    console.log("Create new Agent with Knowledge - DONE!\n Press on the 'Connect' button to proceed.\n Store the created 'agentID' and 'chatId' variables at the bottom of the JS file for future chats")
    return { agentId: agentId, chatId: chatId, imgURL: downloadURL }

function CreateAgentButton({ onAgentCreated }) {
    const [downloadURL, setDownloadURL] = useState(null);

    async function handleImageChange(e) {
        const image = e.target.files[0];
        if (image) {
            try {
                const storage = getStorage(app);
                const storageRef = ref(storage, "images/" + image.name);
                await uploadBytes(storageRef, image);
                const sourceURL = await getDownloadURL(storageRef);
            } catch (error) {

    const handleCreateNewAgent = async (downloadURL) => {
        try {
            if (!downloadURL) {
                console.log("No img url");

            // Need to add image url as function argument
            const { agentId, chatId, imgURL } = await createNewAgent(downloadURL); // Call the async function
            if (onAgentCreated) {
                onAgentCreated(agentId, chatId, imgURL)
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("Error creating agent:", error);

    return (
            <input type='file' onChange={handleImageChange} />
            <button onClick={() => handleCreateNewAgent(downloadURL)}>Create Agent</button>
            {downloadURL&& <img src={downloadURL} style={{maxWidth: 150}} />}

Example downloadURL: https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/d-id-agent-47081.firebasestorage.app/o/images%2Fdownload-1.jpg?alt=media&token=12e7e697-1fbd-474c-abe8-d817c2496d79
Now I am trying to get the user to upload their own image to use as a source file for the agent creation and I am able to create the agent successfully. However, when checking the D-ID studio, I get this error which says failed to generate agent.

This is turn leads to another error further down the flow when I try to connect to the agent.

The connection code is referenced from the agents-client-api file and has been tested.

Any assistance with this problem will be greatly appreciated!