Config stitch = true while creating an api talk always returning false when getting the result. Can't get original image stitched with talk.
As the question says, while creating a talk using the api and setting config stitch = true, the result is always false. How to change it to ensure I don't just receive a square around the face but the whole image back. Please and thank you. Images are provided below.
famous people
is there way where I can use a famous person picture, to create a video? We're organising a tedx event and we would like to open the day with a video where some VIPS talk about our tedx day.
Streaming Error / Lips aren't moving
Hi - I purchased 60 credits and am debugging...and am down to 53 with no success.
How to remove watermarks from videos
How to remove watermarks from videos
Animate my own picture like a premium presenter API
Hello, I would like to animate a custom image like the pro presenter (arms moving etc.). Is this possible on the pro launch substruction from the API and to stream the results?
Why is there only 60 points in the bottom left corner after I purchased the Pro membership?
Why is there only 60 points in the bottom left corner after I purchased the Pro membership?
How many videos can I make when I buy a monthly membership for the Pro version?
How many videos can I make when I buy a monthly membership for the Pro version?
Video validity issue
How long will the video in the result_url field of the result interface be saved? The link expired after just one day and cannot be opened. I think the video storage time in the result_url field should be extended to at least one week.
не обновляется план
я проплатил план Pro. оплата прошла успешно, но при создании видео у меня пишет недостаточно кредитов... Это как???
Subscription cancellation
Please I want to cancel my subscription, how do I do that. There is no place in the settings to cancel subscription