Upload Image: File name restrictions
We want to let users upload their own images via selection and drag and drop, so we don't have control about the file names they have chosen on their disk. We noticed that the API is pretty picky about these filenames. For instance, if I try to upload a file named "1 - Meow.png", I am getting an invalid file name error.
simple chatbot
Fair warning: I am a teacher, not a coder. I have managed to create my own avatar in ChatD-ID, created a personality, chosen a voice, and had a good exchange. That was ideal, but limited in scope. If I could somehow purchase more chats with that would be ideal. Is that possible?
Help!!!!!!!!!!! talks:result_url is S3:// how to download?
talks:result_url is S3:// how to download?
The API has only Basic Authentication, Does it have Oauth?
The API has only Basic Authentication, Does it have Oauth?
Video quality suddenly decreased
Dear Support Team,
Getting 500 error in https://api.d-id.com/talks/streams/stream_id/sdp
While call the sdp api , getting 500 error
How to get bearer token
How to get bearer token , and how to solve unauthorised acess request in postman
can i use D-ID studio with Zapier throught the API key ?
can i use D-ID studio with Zapier throught the API key ?
Getting rough background video
Now I am creating video with d-id api.
But background is rough.
When I create video in studio.d-id.com, background is clear
How can I fix this problem?
WebM videos with transparent background look weird today
Created a WebM video with a transparent background earlier today. The results were pretty strange. The actor guy was kinda transparent himself, not just the background. I used one of the standard actors. When I set the background back to white, it looked fine.