Cloned voices?
I want to use my eleven labs cloned voice with my avatar. Is that possible?
Can you use Custom voices generated on elevenlabs to create videos
Can you use Custom voices generated on elevenlabs to create videos through the API using the custom voice?
Voice Cloning
I want to use voice cloning feature of elevenlabs, but its listed as an enterprise feature in D-ID. In case I don't want to go with an enterprise plan, can I use voice cloning from elevenlabs outside of D-ID? And integrated it with the avatar created by D-ID.
elevenlabs custom voice
Hi there, I can't figure out how to pass an elevenlabs custom voice to D-ID.
Use ElevenLabs Custom Voices
How do i use Eleven Lab Custom Voices? I can use the premade voices but not the custom ones.
Why does this Elevenlabs voice not working?
const talkResponse = await fetchWithRetries(`${DID_API.url}/talks/streams/${streamId}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Authorization: `Basic ${DID_API.key}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
script: {
type: 'text',
subtitles: 'false',
provider: {type: 'elevenlabs', voice_id: '21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM'},
ssml: 'false',
input: 'Hello, I am alex'
config: {fluent: 'false', pad_audio: '0.0'},
session_id: sessionId,
elevenlabs voice clone
How do I gain access to my custom cloned voices. I add the voiceid and get an error.
Using Elevenlabs Custom Cloned Voice
When I try to use my custom-trained Elevenlabs voice by ID from the D-ID API, I get an error. Is there a way?
ElevenLabs provider not listed in API
curl --request GET --url 'https://api.d-id.com/tts/voices?provider=elevenlabs' --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer '