
Ask a Question

How to create a Talk with a cloned voice I previously created on d-id web-app Video Studio?

I've cloned my Voice using native d-id web app.


Realtime support for image animation

I'm writing an Android app in Java that chats with the user. The app uses Google Vertex AI with Google Cloud TTS and an avatar that I wish to perform lip synching using text responses from the app. How would I use your product to accomplish this and what kind of performance can I expect?


Can I add speech pause markers when working with the API?

In the client version, there's a feature to pause the avatar for 0.5 seconds, but I can't find any information about this in the API documentation. Could you let me know if this option is available?


Are any presenters available for clips:write on Build plan?

Hello. I'm getting the error "user has no permission for clips:write" when trying to create a clip by posting to api.d-id.com/clips.


set up

how to set up both realtime agent streaming with chat gpt and or animates still pics with api using flask


URGENT! Missing or invalid session ID

I get missing or invalid session ID, and I've gone through the same question asked over 7 times on this same platform


API Google Oauth

  1. Is there a way to authenticate to the talks api using google oauth if so, whats the code snippet for it (python)
  2. If there isnt, does the free version authenticate the api ?
    Because this isnt letting me in with the my free username and password.
    import requests
    url = "
    payload = {
    "source_url": "https://d-id-public-bucket.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/alice.jpg",
    "script": {
    "type": "text",
    "subtitles": "false",
    "provider": {
    "type": "microsoft",
    "voice_id": "Sara"
    "input": "Making videos is easy with D-ID"
    "config": {
    "fluent": "false",
    "pad_audio": "0.0"
    headers = {
    "accept": "application/json",
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "authorization": "Basic bXN0MTk3NEBzYmNnbG9iYWwubmV0OlNhbHpidXJnMTYwIQ=="
    response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)

Retreiving knowledge base from SQL DB

Is it possible for an agent to retreive knowledge for RAG from external sources such as a SQL database?


Error ‘IP address rejected by STUN server’ when running Talks Streams.

Talks Streamsを実行するとSTUN サーバーで IP アドレスを拒否されました。