I purchased D-ID Stream API, but it seems doesn't work
I use D-ID stream API(with lots of credits) to make a website, then it reports these errors
Cara tambah kredit di canva
Add a talking head or body to my Google assist voice?
Is it possible to have a talking head and or body syned to a personal assistant like Google assistant, Cortana, or Alexa? Do you have a prewritten script for that?
how to create a video
How to create a video
Background template
Hi. Is there a background template that I could use for the D-ID website? If there is, where is it?
Guide me on how tp create a video
Streaming Endpoint Does Not Work with TTS Providers Other than Microsoft
This question has been asked multiple times on multiple platforms and seems to be ignored. The streaming endpoint does not appear to work with any TTS provider other than Microsoft. This is the response that you get back if you try to use any alternative provider:
Hello. help me cancel my subscription
Hello. help me cancel my subscription
¿Qué proceso debo seguir para cancelar o dar de baja mi suscripción?