language support
Can i make my own chat-d-id with APIs Turkish language?
elevenlabs voice integration error
Do I need to upgrade my account for API permissions?
I followed the tutorial and wanted to try to use the api to generate a video, but the interface returned unauthorized. I would like to ask whether it is necessary to upgrade the account to use the API?
Video Stream Quality
I'm integrating your service in software of mine. When i compare video quality gotten generating using "create talk" endpoint and quality gotten through stream is much lower quality.
Start a Stream call is failing
My Request
Plan to create Clips with API
I am writing to inquire about the appropriate plan required to create clips using my existing API key. Currently, I am subscribed to the Lite plan. and i get a 403 erro user has no permission for clips write
if I put the rectangle parameter when creating a clip video, I get a zero-sized video which have nothing
"message": "Unauthorized"
How can i know the presenters ID?
How can i know the presenters ID?
API and Postman
I was following one of your step by step tutorial in youtube with the title "D-ID API - Live Coding Session". So as per the video the method of using api is Basic apikey but for me in the basic authorization page it shows Basic username:password. Now how am i supposed to use postman to send requests?