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problems with api authentication

From which plan can I use the API?
I am using basic and Bearer authentication but I am still getting the same message.


Personalisé mon avatar de haute qualité

Bonjour j'ai pour projet de crée mon avatar personnalisée qui pourras etre en coordinations avec mes mouvements ma voix et mes expressions faciale pour ensuite crée un concept sur tiktok en fessant des live de haute qualité un peu comme la torez ,je vous remercie , cordialement Branchu Paco.


Add example for D-ID Streaming using React.js

Is it possible to add an example on how to use new streaming feature in React.js?


Which audio format your platform supports?

Which audio format your platform supports?


Change Background?

I did a trial video. Am I able to change the background of the video? Like placing the AI person at my business?


Sorry, but you couldn't be authenticated with thos credentials

Hello. I always get the error "Sorry, but you couldn't be authenticated with thos credentials" when I try to execute any GET or POST request ( whether via the examples in the API docs or via a custom xmlHTTPrequest implementation). My username and my password is correctly entered, but the response is:


Avatar Speaking

Can I put two talking avatars in the same scene?


Video for Udemy

How can I make the videos 720p?


Parameters detect_faces how to fill in

Upload image,Parameters detect_faces how to fill in,What string should be filled in.