Facing problem for Validation failed . So how can I validate
Please help
How to add language in api
video created but cannot access: Unknown internal error', 'kind': 'UnknownError'
I am creating a video. From the response json, I know the video is created with a reasonable duration and url. However, when I try to open the url (https://api.d-id.com/talks/tlk_0J_p_WzNyKGC7iU58bEJl), the web page shows "{"message":"Unauthorized"}" and the response json had an extra section "error': {'description': 'Unknown internal error', 'kind': 'UnknownError'}".
Animations API
The animated video is excellent but why is the output video zoomed in on the persons face? I want the face to animate but include the full image in the video. Thanks
About multiple languages with in one video
Namesta can we add multi language with in one video especially wsi need make different languages scrept make with in one video please help me what can I do ?
Examples of Videos Done with D-ID presenting the Avatar and workflow used to create them...
This is a Youtube playlist with 4 video examples done using D-ID to present the topics. These are explainer videos that review a python program etc. Just focus on the Presenting Avatar if you don't care for the content. This is an example of one way to use the tools. I think this tool is a game changer...
So can anyone tell me exactly what this means?
"Simply add your API Key separated to username : password in the Authorization field above each code example" Simply? Add where and how? I'm watching the video and there's no demonstration of what this means.... and then "Use Postman...." huh?
How to information Create a Al video
How to use on WIX
How do I use this in WIX.
How do you add images or text behind the speaker?
How do you add images or text behind the speaker?