Change account password
How do I change my account password ? When I open Account/Billing I don't see any option for this. I can only add a "Company Logo", Change Plan and Generate API key, no other option... Can you please help ?
How and where do I file a support ticket. My videos don't finish and wheel just keeps on turning. Also how can I get avatar's mouth to open so wide and uneven?
Video Failed to Generate
500 InternalServerError
Api collection
Can you provide your api collection?
/talks endpoint result_url
Hi, I am using /talks endpoint to generate a talks video. Earlier I was not using persist: true in payload, the result_url was normal, I was able to access it on browser and on my react app, but that links expires after 24 hrs.
But when I use this (persist: true) in payload while generating video through my react app, the result_url that is coming is something like
autenticacion falla
estoy queriendo ejecutar los Try it! de la documentacion de la API,completo con ncastagno el campo username y con la APY Key generada el password y falla con 401- No autorizado
interaccion con agente creado
estoy tratando de interactuar desde el IDE de python con un agente creado y con un agente listed y me genera este error que coipio a continuacion, me pueden ayudar con este problema?
What is the acceptable file size/ dimensions for source_url?
I need to know what is the acceptable file size and dimension for source_url udner create talk stream, as If the image is too large it gives error and if it is a lower res it gets stuck in processing?
I have put the my server url in webhook variable but got an error of cross domain. pls confirm how i can solve this error.