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Failed to generate video

Two videos failed to generate but they have still used up my credits, how can i get credit back for those??


Customized face recognition

I created a CGI avator and tried to use D-iD to make lip sync video. The app didn't recognize the face probably because the upper half face of the avator is covered. Could it be possible to adjust so that D-iD recognizes the avator?


What product should I use for my project?



Missing Credit

I had 44 points credit that I didn't use and now it disappeared...how can it back.


session_id is always seen as "missing or invalid session_id" - connection via API not possible

We always get the SESSSION ID from you when we connect to D-ID services via API and when we then send a request, the response is always "missing or invalid session_id" which cannot be true, as we are using the session_id provided by D-ID! What is the solution for invalid session_id?


API KEY does't work

"message": "Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter. Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter. Authorization header requires 'SignedHeaders' parameter. Authorization header requires existence of either a 'X-Amz-Date' or a 'Date' header. Authorization=Basic YW1sdVpuVnNZV2xyWldwcFFHZHRZV2xzTG1OdmJROjA4OXVySlR5ZUNlaGxwb0lOVnlPSA=="


is it available to use D-ID avatar(recurent conversation chatbot purpose) into onpremis device?

i would like to put d-id avatar into kiosk(for user display). can i use on preimis d-id avatar?


D-ID API Error: 402, {"kind":"InsufficientCreditsError","description":"not enough credits"}

I am trying to create a video using a supplied image and a custom voice on D-ID. However, I received a message stating that I do not have enough credits, even though I believe I should have sufficient credits for this process.


Доступ к микрофону и камере

Добрый день!
Подскажите пожалуйста как мне открыть доступ к микрофону и камере чтобы люди использующиеся нейросеть могу записать голосом свой промт?


لا يقبل النص باللغة العربية

ارجو حل مشكلتي ..انا اشتركت ولكن المشكلة انه يقبل باللغة العربية ابدا