Добавить фото в видео
Good afternoon. Can I add additional photos to the video so that they appear for a few seconds to visualize the text?
How to unsubscribe
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Agent Hybrid?
When giving an Agent training data in the form of a PDF does the llm extract language from the text for training in english and then translate english answers into another language? My question is about how training data is used and the extent to which training data effects outputs in hybrid mode? Thanks
Working with 11 Labs
Can you let me know how this integration works. It there a document I can review So far I dont see my voices is the audio lineup in the creative studio
How to cancel my subscription
How can I cancel my subscription
failed to generate video
is there a way to recover the script from a failed to generate video or is it possible to refresh and attempt to e-generate
where is my download?
i downloaded from the studio on the free trial its not
Talking head idle animation
so i am experimenting with talks and agents and in the demo of Emma you guys have a good idle animation as in starts and end with the same frame.
Change automed intro statement
Can I change the beginning automated statement “ welcome to agents “ to something else or get rid of it all together