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living portiat

where is the living portrait creator or feature. I can make an agent, and then do a chat, and then it seems to work like a living portriat with the water mark, and just not chat. but is there another way? and is there a way to adjust the portrait settings to open the mount now and then. <br /> is there _laugh_ and other non verbal syntax in the tts system to make the agent or video laugh, and other stuff?

Finnish language in agents

Hi, would you have any ideas if agents would speak Finnish any time soon? :) I think agents would be rather fun to use at educational purposes also.

Commercial Use

Following scenario: Creating a scavenger hunt whose story is told with the help of videos i created with your software. Is it permissible with the Pro license to sell a complete package of a scavenger hunt that includes the videos? Or is a different license necessary? Of course it is a very small business idea ;-)

Document upload and knowledge errors from api

Hello, I have three questions for you: 1.When I upload a document via API, the agent cannot respond to questions; however, when I add the same document through the Studio menu, I can get answers to questions. When I compare the documents, I can't see any difference. They both appear to be connected to the same knowledge base. How can I resolve this issue? 2.When I upload documents in PDF format via the API, I get an 'Invalid PDF structure' error, but I don't have any problems when I convert the same document to a text file (.txt). 3.When I receive an incorrect or erroneous response from an agent, how can I capture this error? Where can I view the logs? Thank you.



Cual es la forma correcta de instalar vuestra API?

Esto es vuestro sdk oficial? <https://www.npmjs.com/package/@d-id/node-sdk> No se puede instalar! Estoy instalandolo con : npx api install "@d-id/v4.2.0#4d0o2ilvtl04ul"



I am a premium customer, How Remove water mark ?

I am a Premium customer. I have 6 minute and 26 points left. So Once I created video It is showing water mark in my video. Kindly do it needful.

How to show agent in full screen rather than bottom bubble and partial screen pop up?

I want my agent to take up the whole screen, but it seems a style is injected to keep it as a bubble on the bottom of the page. How can I change that?

How do I clone my audio?

I would like to clone my audio and then use it for generating new video. Can you please guide me with the steps?