Custome voice_id
How can i use my own voice in order to create a vide.
I can't get a succeful response
I always receive the follwoing response
Method to create a video clip from image
Hey guys, I am trying to do the same thing we do in the studio (image + audio) but with an API call. i tried with streams but it crops the image to only the face and I want to include background. Any instruction to do this?
Settings logo
Could you talk more about the settings functionality later?
Facial Expressions (Emotions) in Streaming solution
why i can't make a video with roger daltrey, but i can make a video of messi?
Does it work on a cartoon face?
For example, I have a cartoon bird, and I'd like have that talk. Would it work with that, or are there certain restrictions I have to be aware of?
How to emphasize certain phrases, ask for an expression (eg smile)?
Change ratio and make avatar not to move while listening
Is it possible to change video ratio to 16:9?
How to make avatar not to move while listening (while break)?
目前,我们这边有这样的一个问题,首先是调用 https://api.d-id.com/talks 这个接口来获得的生成视频的id值嘛,然后在调用 https://api.d-id.com/talks 传入第一个接口获得的id值,因为我们知道生成视频是需要花费时间的,当需要生成的文字较多的时候,可能会花费更多的时间,我的问题是,第一个接口的response有没有特殊的返回,怎么我需要的这段视频生成完成,然后我再请求第二个接口呢,因为目前我看见第一个接口的status都是starter的状态,所以就导致了问题第一个接口请求完成之后我立马请求第二个接口,导致视频还没有生成完成第二个接口就返回了结果,但是在返回的结果里面又没有result_url字段,无法获取到视频的链接。