Please provide a test environment. Currently, debugging will consume credits. At least one will be consumed each time it is started. If this is still the case, I am going to switch to heygen.
Please provide a test environment. Currently, debugging will consume credits. At least one will be consumed each time it is started. If this is still the case, I am going to switch to heygen.
D-ID Live
Is there a tutorial how to create an Avatar for Zoom chats? Thank you.
[talks/streams/strm_RzhcJFoaepqZtxDQ5oWLG/ice] 429 {"message":"Too Many Requests"}
The reporting frequency of the ICE interface [talks/streams/strm_RzhcJFoaepqZtxDQ5oWLG/ice] is very high, and all local candidate services will be online. If there are dozens of devices with virtual network cards, I cannot use the talk stream service normally now, and it consumes a lot of time. I have a lot of credit, please process it as soon as possible to ensure the availability and stability of the product.
הספריה של הסרטונים שלי לא נפתחת
אני מנסה לפתוח את ספרית הסרטונים שלי ולא מצליחה
Could you make a sample with Next.js with LiveStreamingDemo?
Doing a RAG featuring a set of French lessons with Chat roleplay - Will Share 12/10/23
I have a really cool "Proof of Concept" app to help you learn French I did with new bilingual MS voices. Its RAG model with Langchain and ChatGPT featuring French lessons. You can do some neat Chat roleplay with the Avatar teacher etc. Code is done and its ready for me to do the Video. I'll do that tomorrow and I will share the code and the Video links here on D-ID for reference.
Erro sistema
Foi gerado 2 vídeos simultaneamente da mesma imagem, sendo que só dei o comando para 1 vídeo, como faço para ter os créditos de volta, já que o sistema gerou um comando por conta própria?
Pending url instead of result url using get a specific talk api
I'm using the APIs to retrieve a specific talk but instead of getting a result_url field in the json response I've got pending_url field and a not valid url.
URGENT! getting error response saying {"kind":"SessionError","description":"missing or invalid session_id"}
When we call createTalk API, we get the error response saying {"kind":"SessionError","description":"missing or invalid session_id"}
But when we checked the API payload we can see the session_id was passed in it.
You are giving 20 credit and whenever we are exporting video there is DID watermark everywhere. Then what is mean of these 20 free credit.