Important question
hi , is the pic i download go to a page for the website or reused again by someone else?
Creation of video
What is the best AI to creat a video ?
Get a list of the presenters wrong documenation
Stream usege cost?
I'm designing my app to allow users to select a character, speak to it using ChatGPT (voice-to-text), and receive responses from a chat D-ID character (text-to-video).
Will I be able to use my API key for this?
How will this impact the cost when I market my app and users begin to engage with it?
I am trying to access streams but i am facing some error
In D-ID AI stream I am trying to access the live stream avatar but I am facing ERROR
user has no permission for clips:write after paying membership to Build.
I've paid the membership to the Build API plan. When I use the API Key to create a /clip I get:
Motivational speaker
i wanna be a youtube channel for every students with the of studio d ai
Want to save the stream ouput mp4
Hello, I'm using the stream endpoints to create a real time video but also I want to save the result mp4 file, like the talks endpoint allow to do it, I see the result_url parameter on the 'Create a talk stream' POST https://api.d-id.com/talks/streams/{id} but I not finish understanding what I'm supposed to do with that parameter