presentation as a background
I want to use the API. Can I put the presentation on the background instead of just choosing a color? I also need to switch between slides, meaning one slide is one scene. Is it possible? If it is possible to put a presentation on the background, then what presentation formats are suitable? pptx? pdf?
Testing API
When will i hit Unauthorization code
I have been using the API yesterday for testing on talk/ streaming etc coding. and then suddenly all my codes are hitting 401 unauthorized .... no code changes.
Creating Interactive Digital Avatars: Overcoming Playback Delays and Video Conflicts
I'm developing an AI-based project that creates digital avatars for users. These avatars can be accessed by other people who can have conversations with them. The workflow of the project is as follows:
Custom clip actor
Is it possible to use our own actor for clip making? Use our own image, upload it and then use for clip generation not talks
how to integrate with microsoft azure api
Now I am going to integrate with azure api
Change talks background
How can i change talks video background to any other color? By default it makes green background
There is option for background in clips, but such option doesn't work in talks.
Will the pictures I upload be deleted locally on the server?
thank you
bearer token
How to get bearer token?
round video from api
can you get an output of a round bubble head video with /talks??