não tem um tutorial para criar dois ou mais avatares conversando
gatting this in reponse
"message": "Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter. Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter. Authorization header requires 'SignedHeaders' parameter. Authorization header requires existence of either a 'X-Amz-Date' or a 'Date' header. Authorization=amdvaGlsQHNpZ21hc29sdmUubmV0:TkQTAjOyzACw_A12BX1B-"
Streaming API performance
We’ve got streaming set up, and everything’s working great except it takes 3-5 secs for the avatar to start speaking after sending the text.
Full body animation
Hi, is it possible to get a full body animation? I tried with full body pictures, but only can get headshot animation.
Fuction calling.
Is the streaming agent api support fuction calling?
API Key Coding Issue
Hi there,
copyright about the avatars
Can I use avatars, making them part of my communications without any copyright issues? Could you provide information regarding the use of images when paying for the app?
Integration of D-ID Agent with External Application for Automated Actions and Real-Time Chat Access
Is it possible to establish a communication between the D-ID agent and my external application? The goal is to automate actions. For example: Using the agent to make reservations…”. Can we have real-time access to the chat? Or is there another approach? Thank you.
driver was not found
When I try to use a driver from the presenter list, such as from this URL:
and then use the following in the body of the POST request to https://api.d-id.com/clips: