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powered by d-id label on AI Agents

We purchased a Pro Plan however we still see a label that says> powered by d-id. How can we remove it?_


Unclear Last Time

I think I was unclear with my question. I've voiced avatars in the past easily using voice clones made with ElevenLabs. I know the process, but where I'm getting stuck is the concept of having to upload two voice files. One with my consent statement and one the voice of my co-worker. Can you help me with that process? I have full consent, but tripping over the process. Thanks.


How can I check my session status (active, expired) how can I activate the session

I wanted to activate the session when its expired , is there any API to check the session status
and how can i re-activate the session without reloading the whole page


Cannot choose Elevenlabs

The default provider for the text to speech cannot be changed to Elevenlabs, and it is always shown as microsoft. Please advise.


Consent Plus Voice

I'm unclear how to add both my consent recording and a separate file with the voice on it. I cannot find this info online. Can you provide instruction? These are separate. Can it be done? Help!


Subscription invoice

Good day, I would like to ask about the possibility of invoicing the company. We are from Poland and here we have established a company.


Message Unathorised - animation API

Dear Team,


Face is deformed after creating video

I tried using the talk ap with the picture "https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/02/45/56/35/360_F_245563558_XH9Pe5LJI2kr7VQuzQKAjAbz9PAyejG1.jpg" But unfortunately the presenter face is deformed and not properly formed when video was created . The lip-syncing did not just work well