D-ID Create clips Takes time To create video
its takes 20 seconds to short video and if i long text then take 1 minutes so what i do i use that api larave;l framework curl api
living portiat
where is the living portrait creator or feature.
Document upload and knowledge errors from api
Cual es la forma correcta de instalar vuestra API?
Esto es vuestro sdk oficial? https://www.npmjs.com/package/@d-id/node-sdk
No se puede instalar!
chatId and agentId
where i can find my catid and agentid
photo for Di l select as a Avator,
I would like to install photo to become an adviator on Cava l only have one which the company downloaded for me, having trouble once l get the voice then it shows the Cava adviator instead of what l selected, I need assistance can you send me an email on how l can work with your program.
grab only audio_part
Hi, how to grab only the audio part of the output from "/talks". ?
I don't want to use avatar.
I just want audio part saved as .wav or .mp3.
in image uploade when i enter metadata error display Internal Server Error what i enter in that in metadata for face detection ?
in image upload when i enter metadata error display Internal Server Error what i enter in that in metadata for face detection provide me all parametre that i enter and my api call provide me example ?
reclamação referente ao meu recente pagamento para acessar o Video Stud
Venho por meio des formalizar uma reclamação referente ao meu recente pagamento para acessar o Video Studio em d-id.com. Apesar de ter realizado o pagamento conforme as instruções fornecidas, estou enfrentando dificuldades significativas para criar meu vídeo.Após concluir o processo de pagamento, segui todas as etapas indicadas para acessar o Video Studio. No entanto, ao tentar entrar, me deparei com mensagens de erro constantes e uma impossibilidade clara de utilizar os recursos pelos quais paguei
Hi there,