Agents SDK Overview 📙

Welcome to the Agents SDK documentation!
Here, you’ll find everything you need to know to get started with the SDK, understand its core concepts, utilize built-in methods, and access additional resources.
This guide is designed to help you integrate the Agents SDK into your projects effectively and efficiently.

✴️ Introduction

The D-ID Agents SDK provides a seamless integration pathway for embedding your created Agents or real-time streaming avatars into web applications.

With a streamlined and user-friendly workflow, you can easily harness the capabilities of the D-ID Agents and Streams API right out of the box.

Please note: This SDK is designed for front-end development only. The creation of Agents and Knowledge bases should be handled through the Agents API or directly within the D-ID Studio.

✴️ Getting Started

➤ ✴️ Prerequisites

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the D-ID Studio
  2. Create a new Agent with the required options - Image, voice, etc.
  3. In the Agents gallery, hover with your mouse over the created Agent, then click on the [...] button
  4. Click on </> Embed button
  5. Set the list of allowed domains for your Agent, for example: http://localhost
    This is an additional security measurement: your Agent can be accessed only from the domains allowed by you.
  6. In the code snippet section, fetch the data-client-key and the data-agent-id, these will be used later to access your Agent.

➤ ✴️ Installation

In your front-end application folder, install the Agents SDK library using npm.

npm i @d-id/client-sdk

Alternatively, you can clone the SDK from its GitHub repository.

➤ ✴️ Initialization

In your front-end application,

  1. Import the Agents SDK library
  2. Paste the data-agent-id obtained in the prerequisites step in the agentId variable
  3. Paste the data-client-key obtained in the prerequisites step in the auth.clientKey variable
  4. Define an object called callbacks.
    This will be explained in the Usage section in this guide.
  5. Define an object called streamOptions [optional]
    This will be explained in the Usage section in this guide.
  6. Create an instance of the createAgentManger object called agentManager with the values created above.
    This will be explained later in the Usage section in this guide.


// 1. Import the Agents SDK library
import * as sdk from "@d-id/client-sdk"

// 2. Paste the `data-agent-id' in the 'agentId' variable
let agentId = "agt_fumf1234"

// 3. Paste the 'data-client-key' in the 'auth.clientKey' variable
let auth = { type: 'key', clientKey: "Z3123asdaczxSXSAasdcxzcashDY6MGSASFsafxSDdfASY2k0TUhPcEVsTnBR" };

// 4. Define the SDK callbacks functions in this object
const callbacks = {

// 5. Define the Stream Options object (Optional)
let streamOptions = { compatibilityMode: "auto", streamWarmup: true }

//....Rest of the APP's code here....//

// 6. Create the 'agentManager' instance with the values created above
let agentManager = await sdk.createAgentManager(agentId, { auth, callbacks, streamOptions });

✴️ Usage

➤ ✴️ Agent Manager

Built-in Properties

The agentManager object created during initialization has several built-in parameters that might come in handy.

  • agentManager.agent
    Displaying all of the Agent's saved information (Same as the following endpoint)
  • agentManager.starterMessages
    Displaying the Agent's defined Starter Messages.

Built-in Methods

The agentManager object created during initialization has several built-in methods that allow you to interact with your Agent.

  • agentManager.connect()
    Method to create a new connection with an Agent (new WebRTC connection, web-socket, new Agent chat ID)

  • agentManager.speak({type, input})
    Method to make your Agent stream back a video based on a text or audio file.
    (Similar to Talks Streams / Clips Streams API)

    let speak = agentManager.speak(  
          type: "text",  
          input: "Hi! I'm Alice!"  
    let speak = agentManager.speak(
          type: "audio",
          audio_url: "";
    Method to send a message to your Agent and get a streamed video based on its answer (LLM)

    let chat ="What is the distance to the moon?")
  • agentManager.rate(messageID, score)
    Method to rate the Agent's answer in the chat - for future analytics and insights.

  • agentManager.reconnect()
    Method to reconnect to the Agent when the session expires and continue the conversation on the same chat ID.

  • agentManager.disconnect()
    Method to close the existing connection and chat with the Agent.

➤ ✴️ Callback Functions

Callback functions enable you to manage various events throughout the SDK lifecycle. Each function is linked to one or more methods within the built-in agentManager and triggers automatically to handle specific events efficiently

  • onSrcObjectReady(value):
    [MANDATORY for using the SDK] - Linking the Streamed video and audio to the HTML element.
    The value of this callback function is passed to the HTML video element in the following function.
    Triggered when agentManager.connect(), agentManager.reconnect(), agentManager.disconnect() are called.

     onSrcObjectReady(value) {
        videoElement.srcObject = value
        srcObject = value
        return srcObject
  • onVideoStateChange(state):
    Displaying the state of the streamed video, used for switching the HTML element's source between the idle and streamed videos.
    Triggered when and agentManager.speak() are called.

    onVideoStateChange(state) {
        console.log("onVideoStateChange(): ", state)
        if (state == "STOP") {
            videoElement.srcObject = undefined
            videoElement.src = agentManager.agent.presenter.idle_video
        else {
            videoElement.src = ""
            videoElement.srcObject = srcObject
            connectionLabel.innerHTML = "Online"
  • onConnectionStateChange(state):
    Displaying the different connection states with the Agent's WebRTC stream connection
    Triggered when agentManager.connect(), agentManager.reconnect(), agentManager.disconnect() are called.

    onConnectionStateChange(state) {
        console.log("onConnectionStateChange(): ", state)
        if (state == "connected") {
            console.log("I'm ready to go!")
    state: ["new","fail","connecting","connected","disconnected","closed"]
  • onNewMessage(messages, type):
    Displaying the chat messages array when a new message is sent to the chat.
    type: answer indicates the full answer replied in the streamed video.
    role: user, assistant(Agent)

    Triggered when is called:

    onNewMessage(messages, type) {
        console.log(messages, type)
    type: ["partial", "answer"]
    messages: [
            "role": "assistant",
            "content": "Hi! I'm an Agent. How can I help you?",
            "created_at": "2024-07-08T08:35:54.503Z",
            "id": "35113960da531",
            "role": "user",
            "content": "What is the distance to the moon?",
            "created_at": "2024-07-08T08:36:48.036Z",
            "id": "f82377af5a9c4",
            "role": "assistant",
            "content": "The average distance to the moon is about 238,855 miles (384,400 kilometers). That's about 30 times the diameter of the Earth!",
            "id": "49b86saf2aff8",
            "created_at": "2024-07-08T08:36:48.037Z",
            "matches": []
  • onError(error, errorData):
    Throwing an error and displaying the error message when things go badly.

    onError(error, errorData) {
        console.log("Error:", error, "Error Data", errorData)

➤ ✴️ Stream Options

  • compatibilityMode:
    Defines the video codec to be used in the stream.
    When set to "on": VP8 will be used.
    When set to "off": H264 will be used
    When set to "auto" - the codec will be selected according to the browser [Default]

  • streamWarmup:
    Allowed values:
    true - warmup video will be streamed when the connection is established.
    false - no warmup video [Default]

  • sessionTimeout:
    Can only be used with proper permissions
    Maximum duration (in seconds) between messages before the session times out.
    Max value: 300

  • outputResolution:
    Supported only with Talk presenters (photo-based).
    The output resolution sets the maximum height or width pixels of the streamed video.
    When resolution is not configured, it defaults to the agent output resolution.
    Allowed values: 150 - 1080

✴️ See it in Action

Explore our demo repository on GitHub to see the Agents SDK in action!
This repository features a sample project crafted in Vanilla JavaScript and Vite, utilizing the Agents SDK to help you get started swiftly.

GitHub Demo Repository

✴️ Support

Have any questions? We are here to help! Please leave your question in the Discussions section and we will be happy to answer shortly.

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