Basic Authentication

✴️ Introduction

This method requires providing your username and password along with every API call to authenticate your credentials. Basic authentication makes use of the `Authorization` HTTP header. As a developer, you must submit your individual credentials with every request as they are used to validate your access to the API and ensure that any rate limits or quotas are respected. If you omit the credentials, overrun a rate limit, or exceed a quota, the system will respond with an error message.

✴️ Generating your API key

You can get your API key from the Account Setting in the CreativeReality™️ Studio. The key provided in the studio is in this format: API_USERNAME:API_PASSWORD


Important Note

For security reasons, the API Key is revealed only once. Your API Key is secret and private.
Please store it in a secure place. Do not share your key with anyone else.

✴️ Using your API Key

Provide your API Key along with every API request using Authorization HTTP header:

curl -X POST --location "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Basic API_USERNAME:API_PASSWORD"
-d "{ \"source_url\": \"https://public/path/to/image.jpg\" }"

You can also use your key here in the API Docs to try the code examples next to each endpoint.
Simply add your API Key separated to username (API_USERNAME) : password (API_PASSWORD) in the Authorization field above each code example



Secure Communication

All API requests must be made over HTTPS.
Unsecured HTTP connections will be refused.

✴️ Support

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